We, at Dare to Love, are truly in much expectation of this next silent retreat and what God will do through all those who attend and all of us at Dare to Love. It is a beautiful time with the Lord, other sisters in Christ but mainly you and Jesus.
This is our 7th Encounter Silent Retreat but out first 72 hour mountain retreat. It is a sisterhood getaway with the Lord in worship, prayer, the Word, reflection, silence and a day in the mountains ! November 3-6, 2023 in Elijay, Georgia.
We have fellowship time when you arrive and great conversations. That evening we go into silence that night and the entire next day. On the third day we will have a day in the mountains and a night of sharing and conversations. There is also worship, teachings and Q&A in it as well. The price is $450 plus your transportation to and from lodging, supplies and food is all included. All that to say, it is truly an intimate time that is so needed in our lives.
If you are interested, we will set a time for you talk. Then, you will receive a participation form and waiver that must be filled out and sent back to me with payment to secure your spot. Please know that this is a very intimate event so space is limited and have no doubt that if God wants you to be there we will be spending time together.
Send an email to hello@daretoloveministries.org. After we talk you will receive all the details and how to sign up. We look forward to experience this time together in the Lord!